IRS HSA Eligible Expenses

The Health Savings Accounts are a great way to reduce your federal income tax bill as the money contributed to these accounts isn’t taxed. When the time for distribution comes due to healthcare payments, you won’t be taxed also if the medical expenses qualify under the IRS rules.

Added with the fact that you can qualify for a tax deduction of up to $3,650 as an individual and $7,300 for family coverage, the HSA is such a great way to save tax while taking care of your health care costs.

Unlike the qualifying expenses deduction which you are required to itemize, you can deduct the health savings account contributions even if you take the standard deduction. This is because the HSA deduction isn’t exactly a deduction as it’s rather seen as an adjustment to income. That’s why you’ll claim it using Schedule 1.

Medical expenses that are not taxed for HSA eligible expenses per IRS guidelines are as follows.

How to claim the benefits of HSA eligible expenses?

In order to reap the advantages of the health savings account, you need to have one first, and contribute money to the account regularly. The benefits of an HSA may not be as apparent as other ways to pay for health care. It wouldn’t be fair to the HSA to think that it’s not logical to contribute and save money through it. In the long run, you’ll be letting your savings grow tax-free, and use it to pay healthcare expenses without paying a single cent in taxes on the distributions.

Since you won’t pay any tax and assuming you have enough balance on your account, you will cover your expenses related to health that are eligible and pay the healthcare expenses. Since you won’t pay tax on your contributions to the HSA and you won’t get tax when taking out the distributions, it’s a double-edged sword that gets in the way of taxes while allowing you to provide better care for yourself and your loved ones.

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