Alameda County CalFresh Income Limits

If you need help buying food for your family, you may be eligible for Alameda County CalFresh. This program provides monthly benefits to help you buy food for your household. It is administered through the state and local counties.

CalFresh, also known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), is a federal nutrition assistance program that provides monthly benefits to help low-income families purchase food. The benefits are provided on an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card that can be used in most grocery stores and farmers markets. The state also offers a Fruit and Vegetable EBT Pilot, which allows CalFresh participants to receive a rebate when they use their benefits to purchase California-grown produce. In Alameda County, the CalFresh program is managed by the Social Services Agency. The agency also handles other programs such as MediCal, CalWORKs, and General Relief.

Alameda County CalFresh program can also be used to buy food at participating restaurants and fast-food chains. The restaurant meals program is only available to households that meet specific eligibility requirements, such as income and expenses. In addition, the program can be used to purchase supplemental foods at local food banks and pantries.

Over 3 million households around California depend on CalFresh, which is the state version of the federal SNAP program. During the pandemic, some of them received extra funds, called emergency allotments, which increased their benefits by at least $95 a month. These extra allotments will end in April and will be replaced by regular benefits based on your household size and income.

Alameda CalFresh Income Limits 2025

Household SizeMaximum Gross IncomeMaximum Benefit Amount


To determine eligibility for CalFresh, you must complete an application and submit verification documents. You can find the form on the CalFresh website or visit your local County Social Services Agency. The representative will review the information and determine if you are eligible for the program.

After you have completed the recertification process, the county will notify you by mail. Until then, be sure to check your email and paper mail for any correspondence from the county. You should also be on the lookout for any unfamiliar phone numbers, as they could be County representatives. If you are unable to log in to your MyBenefits account, you can request a SAR 7 or recertification letter by submitting verification documents.

Alameda CalFresh Application


The Alameda County CalFresh application process can be lengthy and requires proof of income and other information to determine eligibility for benefits. The county has up to 30 days to review the application and decide if it will be approved. In certain situations, applicants may be able to get expedited service.

If your application is denied, you can appeal the decision by submitting additional documentation or requesting an interview with your caseworker. During the interview, your caseworker will ask you questions and evaluate your information. If your application is approved, you will be notified by mail. Please call the county if you do not receive a letter within 30 days. You can also access your benefits online at the MyBenefits CalWIN portal.

Contact your county social services agency if you have any questions about applying for or receiving CalFresh benefits. Your county may offer different options for applying or renewing your benefits, such as online or over the phone. You should always keep your contact information current to ensure you get the correct benefits. In addition, you should not share your EBT card with other people. You should also wash your hands often and cover coughs and sneezes.

You can access your account online by logging into the MyBenefits CalWIN portal. You can also use the website to submit verifications and report changes in income. You can also find answers to common questions about the CalFresh program.